Synonyms for Bible doctrine resident in the soul


            1. The first is a crucifixion synonym. Taking up the cross and following Jesus is a synonym for Bible doctrine resident in the soul. It takes up the function and the principle in this one synonym. It is found in Matthew 10:38; Mark 8:34; Luke 9:23; 14;27. The idea of picking up your cross is the concept of self-discipline. To pick up the cross is to follow a course of action contrary to public thinking. So taking up your cross means the self-discipline of attending Bible class regardless of any factor, of staying in the principle of not letting anything distract from taking in the Word.

            2. The priestly synonym is the construction of the altar in the soul, Hebrews 13:10. It is related to the fact that we are a royal priesthood. And it is related also to the fact that the Levitical priesthood of the Old Testament had a visible altar on which animal sacrifices were sacrificed. But our altar is not of that nature. Our altar is real also, but invisible. The real invisible altar which we possess is the altar of doctrine in the soul. Our function in life must be based upon doctrine resident in the soul. So this particular synonym sees Bible doctrine, including the ECS, as an altar and the function of our life as sacrifice. The sacrifices of the priesthood must be based on what we have in our souls. You become spiritually self-sustaining at the point in your life when you have maximum doctrine in your soul and doctrine dictates your life. Doctrine in the Bible cannot control you, you must transfer that doctrine through the function of GAP. When you have taken in Bible doctrine in your soul this becomes your dictator, the means of conveying to you what you should do on any given occasion.

            3. A building synonym, the edification complex in the soul, Ephesians 4:12, 16. It is constructed of Bible doctrine and in a sense it is very similar to the altar synonym, the only difference being that the building becomes a shelter, a point of security, of protection from the elements of weather and therefore your doctrine in the soul is your protection in time of adversity, your ability to handle any difficulty in life.

            4. A theological synonym, the word “grace,” James 4:6. The Greek word meizwn means “greater grace” and greater grace is a synonym for supergrace. So this is another synonym for maximum doctrine in the soul.

            5. The military category:

                        a) Following the colours to the high ground of supergrace, Hebrews 12:1,2.

                        b) Putting on the full armour from God, as in Ephesians 6:11,13.

            6. Language synonyms. We have both Hebrew and Greek language synonyms. Chakmah in the Hebrew and e)pignwsij in the Greek.

            7. A time synonym. The principle here is called “redeeming the time,” Ephesians 5:16-18 is directed toward God. The same phrase in Colossians 4:5 is a synonym toward the unbeliever.

            8. The chemical synonym. Salt is used for maximum doctrine resident in the soul resulting in supergrace status, Matthew 5:13; Mark 9:50; Luke 14:34; Colossians 4:6.